
Weekly worship services are alternating between Rockway and First, North Pelham with an adjusted worship time of 10:00 am (please see the calendar for church location).   Weekly worship resources can also be found by clicking here. Should you require pastoral care, please call the church at 905-892-4716.

Rockway Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church North Pelham is a long established two-point charge, currently under the spiritual leadership of Reverend Jacob Lee.

Both churches are committed to developing a worship life that includes all age groups. They share many similarities but have some programs unique to each. The congregations share in fellowship and services jointly throughout the year.

Here, you will find a sacred place for you, your family and friends. Each Sunday we gather as a community to worship and experience God’s grace within our lives. Here you will find people who want to impact the world for the better; people who honour God and each other; people who seek meaning and purpose in their daily lives and strive to understand their place in this world. Our worship blends traditional and contemporary elements to create an environment that is faithful, fun and focused on experiencing God in Word, song and action.

If you’re looking for a Church home, are seeking meaning in your life or are just wondering what Christianity is all about we invite you to come and worship with us. You are welcome here.

Two Churches – with a common commitment to Christ, and to sharing His love with the community!